Top ways to promote in Facebook 1

Top ways to promote in Facebook

Looking for the Top Ways to Promote on Facebook? Well, if the answer is yes, then read on.

Facebook is undoubtedly the best platform for promoting anything. You can use it to promote a brand, a product, a local business, and so on.

However, whatever you are willing to promote on Facebook, the steps are not easy. If you do not do it correctly, you might invest lots of bucks, and in return, you may not get the expected results.

However, to save you from that, we will discuss the Top ways to Promote on Facebook. So let’s go ahead and check them out:


Top Ways to Promote on Facebook:

Share With Your Friends And Family:

Before you go ahead and think about spending lots of money on different Facebook ad campaigns, you can ask your friends and family members. This will not give you a lot of engagements, but it will surely provide you with a few.

However, if you are really willing to get more engagement on your posts without Ads, you can post in multiple Facebook groups. Facebook groups usually have a high engagement rate, so posting there will give you better visibility.

Also, you can use some FB group poster tools to post in multiple Fb groups. These tools even give you a preview of how your posts will look. For example, you can use this link to see and test what your post will look like on Facebook.

Host A Contest:

Another popular way to promote your page or posts on Facebook is to host a contest. Contests are fun because they allow people to win free stuff.

Hosting contests costs less than running Facebook advertisements. You can host a competition and make rules like Share this post, Like our Page, Comment on this post, and so on.

This will help you to get quick engagements on your posts. Plus, if you are promoting a product, it will also allow you to showcase it to the audience.

Also, you can even ask the audience to invite their friends to like your page. This way, you will reach a wide range of audiences easily and use that audience to promote your content in the future.

Create How-To Content:

How-to content is a great way to drive engagement. For example, if you are a clothing brand trying to get engagements, you can try making a video on how to use your appeals to look more stunning.

This way, whenever someone watches your video, they will be inspired, and who knows, you might even make a sale.

Similarly, if you own an SEO tools website, you can write a great article explaining how to use them. This will increase engagement from your posts.

Run Advertisements:

Now, regarding Facebook Advertising, it is not as complicated as it seems. However, while running a Facebook ad, you need to keep a bunch of things in mind.

First, you need to target the right users. To do this, you need to select interests and an age range. For example, if you are a clothing brand, you might want to target people interested in Fashion. Your age range should be between 16 and 24.

This completely depends on what type of products you are trying to promote and who your customers will be. Once you have the answer to this question, you are good to go.

You can also choose between targeting Mobile and Desktop users. Again, the targeting depends on your product. Maybe your product has more Mobile users than desktop users, so you must run some tests.

Moreover, while running your Facebook ad campaigns, we suggest you target users with a 3G or 4G connection. This way, you will not get low-quality clicks and save some bucks.

Test With Facebook Ads:

Mastering Facebook promotion is not easy, and there will be many trials and errors. Hence, putting all your Facebook advertisement budget on a single ad is not a wise idea.

Instead, we suggest running multiple small ads with different ad settings. This will give you a clear idea of the perfect audience for your users.

Just see which ads have performed the best for you. What’s the organic reach and your CTR? Once you are satisfied with the results. Then, you can target that specific set of audiences for all of your future Ad campaigns.

Share Customer Feedback:

Believe it or not, your customers need a testimonial from someone they have never met, so you better make this task easy for them.

You can share your customer’s feedback on your page. This will give your audience a clear idea of how great your product is.

Also, to get a testimonial, always request your existing customer base to give feedback. If the input is good enough, make a great infographic and promote it on Facebook to get more clients.

There will even be clients who will give you amazing feedback just to get featured in your ads.

Ask An Influencer:

You can also ask a social media influencer to promote your product. Since social media influencers have a huge database, promoting your product with them will benefit you.

However, it is not free. Different social media influencers charge different amounts of money, but it is still a marketing trick worth trying.

Anyway, those were a couple of top ways to promote on Facebook. Now, it’s your turn to implement them. Also, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to comment below.

Ricardo L. Dominguez

Tv geek. Professional twitter buff. Incurable zombie aficionado. Bacon fanatic. Internet expert. Alcohol specialist.Fixie owner, father of 3, ukulelist, Mad Men fan and Guest speaker. Working at the fulcrum of simplicity and programing to create great work for living breathing human beings. Concept is the foundation of everything else.