The Mysterious Word of Life 1

The Mysterious Word of Life

All of this talk, approximately consuming the flesh and ingesting the blood of Jesus, is making my head harm and my heart! This is a hard pronunciation; who can apprehend it? John 6 gets to the coronary heart of the Gospel because it gets to the coronary heart of Jesus Christ. In this ultimate part of John 6, the mystery is approximately the Spirit and the Word; at the same time, it formerly turned into about flesh and bread. The phrases I communicate to you are a spirit, and they exist” (verse 63); what a top-notch declaration! And how mysterious the world and The Word are! Who can apprehend them? Words are mysterious things. Only their ubiquity makes them seem every day. But bizarre and amazing matters happen if you simply refrain from meditating on phrases and language.

Have you ever had the revel in looking at a phrase you’ve seen all your Life when suddenly it becomes bizarre and mysterious? For instance, the phrase “scissors.” We all realize that the letters S, size-ersC, I, S, and SK are S, O, speaking, and S, spelled in succession, spell “scissors.” But they don’t virtually sizes,” do they speak in-ers.” You have observed this same disorienting phenomenon with letters and phrases. This phenomenon is exactly what God desires to happen to us with Him. He wants us to interact with Him, draw near Him, recognize Him, and yet understand that He who isn’t us has become with us.

Once again, we are faced with the twin dangers of idolatry and atheism. Both are responses to the mystery of God, which can be fake and silly. If we ever allow the Word of God, each Bible, and Christ to turn out to be too regular, then we’ve all started the idolatrous manner of taking God and making Him too familiar. God could be very close to us through the Word and Spirit, indeed, and He has come to be our brother and dwells within us. And but He stays God, so far above us that we dare not think we’ve comprehended Him in full.

And then there may be the current fable known as “deconstruction,” a corrupt philosophy that is atheistic to the middle and most generally taught in English departments within the very lessons that are to ching for information through the literature of the phrase. Deconstruction starts with the notion that words are human and arbitrary and that there is no necessary connection between the words and the signified factor. Therefore, when interpreting literature (together with the Bible), we are constantly misinterpreting the meaning. There may be no fixed, customary meaning; as in postmodernism, there may be no metanarrative that makes the experience of things for all.

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A man without God is consequently both an idolater and an atheist.

None of us is immune from those dread diseases of the soul. The world and world continue to be mysterious. How do those seemingly arbitrary splotches of ink on a page speak that means of lifestyles, the universe, and the whole lot? And but they do. If you’re reading Daily Bread on your laptop, think of the superb transformation that has taken area. I, Fr. Charles, examine the Word of God. This in itself is a primary miracle. Consider what is involved. I studied my physical Bible earlier than mine; however, where did it come from?

It turned into printed by using Thomas Nelson in Nashville, Tennessee (I’m looking at my New King James Version [and if you want to know something truly strange, consider how it’s possible to copyright the Word of God in a particular format!]) A team of scholars decided to look at the King James Version of the Bible and seek advice from texts of the Bible found after 1611 to revise the KJV. Those authentic scholars also consulted the manuscripts they had, operating off the Tyndale and other v

Bible versions: The manuscripts consulted are copies of the authentic text. The original text was almost genuinely revised and edited by the Church. Behind this unique text or text lies the oral phrase, for instance, the oral coaching of Jesus found in John 6 and remembered with the aid of John. Jesus Himself, of the path, needed to talk about those phrases inside the first area. So, He needed a body that changed into a design with physical speech in mind, a body that needed to be connected to a mind and a spirit.

Of direction, this precise frame becomes united to the Godhead Himself. The Word made flesh spoke the phrases of John 6 that I, Fr. Charles, have read this morning. And so the thriller of The Word made words made Give Us This Day begins with the thriller of the Incarnation.

Now, what occurs after Fr. Charles reads John 6? More miracles!

I examine the link that Thomas Nelson has spilled on web page 1773 of my Bible, and all that has long gone into producing those words (see the above lengthy paragraph) comes into play. And then my body, thoughts, and spirit interact with the words I see, becoming one with my experience, as the Word of God Himself, via the Holy Spirit, comes to me, and I feed off Him. As this mystical union takes a region, while I continue to be me, and God stays God, I am inspired (not in the same sense as Scripture is inspired) to assume, feel, and meditate on sure truths God communicates to me.

My thoughts, feelings, and reports mingle collectively, and I make choices to say sure matters to you. The phrases you analyze come from my heart, mind, and fingers. My words mingle with your analysis of the Word of God that has also come to you. And with any luck, you’re inspired to meditate on God’s Word and worship Him.

Talk about the mystery!

Notice how in all this frame and spirit, the physical and the immaterial, paper and phrases, God and man, all come collectively? It is the Incarnation at work in a powerful way. Who can recognize such mysteries? And yet we do. It is the sacramental precept at paintings by which God, having been made the guy, speaks to us via the flesh of His introduction. In this manner, the Bible itself is a lesser sacrament than the complete international. We have access to God through the Son and the Spirit, who present themselves to us through the Word of God made human phrases and through the bread and wine through which the Body and Blood of Christ come to us. Maybe now we can understand the Sacrament, prayer, and the Bible a little better.

Of direction, all of that is foolishness to man, and it’s no wonder that men ever when you consider that John 6 have been on foot away from God and His foolishly mysterious way of coming to man. So God involves us in methods that we each recognize and yet don’t recognize, and what let’s do? Shall we stroll away while God and phrases and even lifestyles seem complicated? You may also have noticed that existence itself is any other thriller, similar to the mystery of God made the guy, the Bible, and the Sacraments. It makes the experience, and yet it does no longer.

But where else shall we pass while things don’t quite make the experience seem too large for us? What is your response to God when things don’t make sense? Do you shy away, even a bit, or do you embrace Him all the more? We don’t commonly turn away from God suddenly, but we exercise turning from Him a bit at a time. Often, we try this because life doesn’t make us feel. Right now, I am experiencing a time when things don’t make me think. I’m tremendously worn out, even for me.

The mind and body fog that has descended upon me (I assume it’s large because of allergies, the body turning towards itself [thank you, Adam and Eve!]), and I can’t appear to sense God or hook up with Him the way that I’d want to. The spirit is willing. However, the flesh is susceptible and wears a protective armor, as though lead protecting Superman’s eyes from penetrating. How shall I reply? Shall I trudge on as if God doesn’t exist because I can’t pretty feel Him? Shall I act unilaterally as if He doesn’t exist because I can’t experience Him? Do I want to act like a religious infant, believing that God isn’t here and can’t see me simply because I’m below a blanket and may see Him?

Where shall I pass, and what shall I do?

Lord, to whom shall I cross? I have left all else for you. I am the cartoon character who has walked off the cliff’s edge, and there’s no way but down unless your grace intervenes. You, Jesus, have the words of Life. You are the Word of Life! I accept this as truth! Help my unbelief! I come to you, bearing the go of bewilderment and finitude that You have assigned me. I come and will no longer go away, for You are Life itself to me. Prayer: Prayer of Saint John Chrysostom Before Reading or Listening to the Word of God O Lord Jesus Christ, open Thou the eyes of my heart that I may listen to Thy Word and recognize and do Thy will, for I am a sojourner upon the earth.

Hide no longer Thy commandments from me; however, open mine eyes, that I may also understand the wonders of Thy law. Speak unto me the hidden and secret things of Thy expertise. On Thee do I set my hope, O my God, that Thou shalt enlighten my thoughts and information with the light of Thy know-how, not best to cherish those things which are written, but to do them; that while analyzing the lives and sayings of that that the saints I may not sin, but that such might also serve for healing, enlightenment, and sanctification, for the salvation of my soul, and the inheritance of existence eternal. For Thou artwork the enlightenment of those who lie in darkness, and from Thee cometh every suitable deed and every present. Amen.

Points of Meditation:

What boundaries are there in your lifestyles for seeing and experiencing God? How have you ever been responding to these barriers? Take time to reflect ont the superb thriller of God coming to you individually. Resolution: I persevere in coming to the Lord today despite the obstacles to my coming.

Ricardo L. Dominguez

Tv geek. Professional twitter buff. Incurable zombie aficionado. Bacon fanatic. Internet expert. Alcohol specialist.Fixie owner, father of 3, ukulelist, Mad Men fan and Guest speaker. Working at the fulcrum of simplicity and programing to create great work for living breathing human beings. Concept is the foundation of everything else.