What is the Petrol Price in Delhi & Haryana? 1

What is the Petrol Price in Delhi & Haryana?

About Petrol price in Haryana

Haryana has a relatively lower petrol price than cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai. Although the petrol rate in Haryana is less than ₹1 or ₹2, this can greatly benefit in the long run. The current petrol price in Haryana is ₹99.60 per liter. Here is a list of Haryana’s petrol prices over the last ten days between July 23, 2021, and August 01, 2021.

DatePetrol PriceChange
August 01, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 31, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 30, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 29, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 28, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 27, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 26, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 25, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 24, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00
July 23, 2021₹99.60 per liter0.00

About Petrol price in Delhi

Delhi has spiked its petrol prices compared to its peers in northern India. The current petrol price in Delhi is ₹101.9 per liter. Here is a list of the petrol prices in Delhi over the last ten days between July 23, 2021, and August 01, 2021.

DatePetrol PriceChange
August 01, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 31, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 30, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 29, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 28, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 27, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 26, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 25, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 24, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00
July 23, 2021₹101.9 per liter0.00

How you can pay at the petrol pump using the Indian Oil Credit Card

While purchasing petrol for your vehicle, you can use an Indian Oil Card to save on fuel costs. You can enjoy many benefits when paying for your fuel needs. You can gain accelerated rewards on your fuel spending. Every time you spend ₹150, you can earn four turbo points. There is also a benefit of a 1% fuel surcharge reversal on fuel purchases at authorized Indian Oil outlets. You can earn on all of your daily expenses. For every spend of ₹150 on groceries and supermarkets, you can earn two turbo points and one turbo point for a spend of ₹150 on others. You can also redeem your turbo points instantly through SMS or Citibank’s online platform.

In a Nutshell

Fuel prices in Delhi and Haryana have been increasing. With the increased petrol prices in both Delhi and Haryana, using the Indian Oil Card can help you save money on fuel expenses.


1. https://www.mypetrolprice.com/2/Petrol-price-in-Delhi

2. https://www.mypetrolprice.com/0/13/Petrol-Prices-in-Haryana

Ricardo L. Dominguez

Tv geek. Professional twitter buff. Incurable zombie aficionado. Bacon fanatic. Internet expert. Alcohol specialist.Fixie owner, father of 3, ukulelist, Mad Men fan and Guest speaker. Working at the fulcrum of simplicity and programing to create great work for living breathing human beings. Concept is the foundation of everything else.