Important Tips To Finish Maths Paper On Time 1

Important Tips To Finish Maths Paper On Time

Maths is considered to be one of the toughest subjects for teens. Most of them find it like a nightmare, and even talented ones find it difficult to study. This could be due to not scoring well in the examination. Students generally panic when performing in the examination and cannot finish the paper within the allotted time. Often, students get stuck in a question that could seem big but is easy to solve, creating a lot of pressure in a student’s mind. To excel in an examination, the students need to be calm & confident during the time of examination. This can only be achieved with much practice and proper time management during the examination. The following are tips to help you finish your Maths paper within the allotted time & excel in your examination.

(i) Invest the first few minutes effectively: The first few minutes are crucial for students to decide their strategies for solving their maths paper. During the first 5 minutes, you shall go through all the questions and rate the difficulty level of the paper. Based on this, try solving the section containing the easy ones first, and the difficult question can be solved later. It is advised to start with the highest-mark and one or 2-mark questions. During the starting phase, one or 2-mark questions would require a lot of time, so to complete the major portion of the examination, always start with higher-mark questions.

(ii) Ensure speed and accuracy: During the examination, it is required to finish the paper as fast as possible and the correct solution. If we make an error, it takes a lot of time to solve a problem. Some questions can be direct, such as the question on real numbers, whereas some may be too difficult, like quadratic equations or matrices, where even silly mistakes can cost you in making the whole solution. Thus, both speed and accuracy must be maintained at the same time.

(iii) Stop overthinking about a particular question: There can be a situation when only the partial answer is known; in that case, you must mark the question and skip it. Spending more time on a single question can be catastrophic, as you can waste a lot of time on a question and end up with a shortage of time. You can save a lot of time by doing this, and you will finish your maths paper on the deadline.

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(iv) Understand your exam: Students need to understand the examination. There are around 30 questions in board exams, consisting of 1, 2, 4, and 5 mark questions, which need to be answered in 180 minutes. Roughly giving 6 minutes to each question can help to attempt all the questions. However, this calculation is not accurate as certain questions may have subdivisions as well.

The question paper consists of concise-, short, and long questions. Thus, allotting proper timing for each section can benefit students during examinations.

These were some strategies to finish the Maths paper on time. Students can Visit the CBSE Forum and join the discussion online on subjects like maths and science and get more tips & tricks to excel in an examination.

Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel to watch an interactive video lesson on Science and Maths in a fun and easy way.

Ricardo L. Dominguez

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