Ideal age to get pregnancy and pregnancy complications at later stage of life 1

Ideal age to get pregnancy and pregnancy complications at later stage of life

Thinking of several debatable questions, like the ideal age for getting married to the perfect age for trying for a baby, we have moved a lot regarding the quality of life we are living and the kind of things we are worried about. About five decades ago, when people got married, the only thing that mattered was age. The man used to be at least five years older than the woman in her late teens or early 20s. This changed as humans changed. When our needs change, the things and habits we practiced over the years change.

That is precisely how the wedding scenario changes. Education became the primary need, and the years to complete one degree increased the marriage age. Then, settling in a good job became the next priority, and this age took some more years from the lives of people, and there we are now. Apart from education and job satisfaction, nowadays people want to have some themselves before settling in for marriage. Most of the time, this is the discovery phase oneself.

Now, let us get back to our core topic. Pregnancy can happen to women from 18 to 45 with the legal age limits. But the chances of becoming pregnant decrease with age. The fact that most women should realize is that their age and fertility are inversely proportional. As you grow old, the hormone activity reduces. Your uterus becomes weaker, and hence, the ability to carry reduces greatly. This leads to miscarriages. At a maternity hospital in Pune, couples are given proper counseling before they try for pregnancy. A certain maternity hospital in Chandigarh helps couples with a fertility quotient test, which will help them identify their fertility age and plan things.

Most of us do not understand that our body ages and will no longer function with the same impact it used to be. In the early 20s, women have a high chance of conceiving, which will start decreasing when we age. In the early 20s, coping with pregnancy can be difficult, but as age proceeds, pregnancy can be at ease. There are certain trade-offs, but the objective is to get pregnant, and it is essential to see that we conceive when the chances are high. In conclusion, there is no right age and no right time for the idea of pregnancy, but our bodies do have thethe right time and right age, so consider this also in your decision-making efforts.

Ricardo L. Dominguez

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