Diabetes Management in the Long Run 1

Diabetes Management in the Long Run

Diabetes, Alienation being a chronic condition, must be constantly monitored to avoid further complications. Unlike other conditions, diabetes can’t only be controlled by taking medications. Therefore, people with diabetes need to be more focused on diabetes care by making more healthy choices, having a healthy weight, and continuing to be in touch with their diabetes educator when they feel out of control and even when they are feeling well. Here are a few ways to manage diabetes to prevent any diabetes-related complications in the long run:


Managing your A1c levels, Blood pressure and cholesterol levels significantly lower the chances of heart attacks, stroke, or diabetes-related problems. A1c or HbA1c levels help you to measure the average blood sugar level for three months. This allows the diabetes educator to analyze the progress made by the individual. The blood pressure test reveals whether your blood flow pressure has been high. High blood pressure increases the chances of heart attacks and stroke. Likewise, the lipid profile test helps to prevent any cardiovascular diseases.

  • Take diabetes education seriously.

Diabetes education is the cornerstone of diabetes management as the condition requires nutrition, exercise, monitoring, and medication knowledge. It gives you the power to control the condition and incorporate changes in your life. From constant monitoring of sugar levels to understanding the problems associated with the condition, it helps you stay healthy with diabetes. Diabetes is a serious condition and comes with risks and complications. One must be aware of these.

  • Constant monitoring and routine care

Monitor your sugar levels at least 3-4 times a week to avoid any sudden spike in sugar levels. Carry your glucometer to prevent complications at work, in the gym, and wherever you go. Moreover, stay in touch with your diabetes educator for ongoing counseling. Also, ensure you have a foot examination and retinopathy screening at least twice a year. Talk to your diabetes educator and doctor to check if you would need any other tests. Also, ask what your results mean and how you should improve them.

  • Lifestyle modifications

You may know you need to make lifestyle changes but have trouble sticking to your plan. Focus more on eating well and being active.

  • Eating well

Make a diabetes plan with your diabetes educator. Include multigrain atta for diabetes instead of regular atta. There are oats for diabetics, which are also easy to prepare. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Choose foods low in saturated fat, calories, sugar, and salt.

  • Be active

Start slowly by taking 10 minutes to walk during work hours. Set a goal to be more active most days of the week. Do yoga or stretching and try to maintain a healthy weight. The main goal of diabetes management is to manage sugar levels to avoid complications. So, control your diabetes; don’t let diabetes control you!

Ricardo L. Dominguez

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