5 Content Marketing Trends to Look Forward to in 2018 1

5 Content Marketing Trends to Look Forward to in 2018

The internet landscape is constantly changing, so it’s challenging for content marketers to stay on top of all the latest trends. Content marketers weed out the less effective methods and embrace those that work each year, meaning your content needs to follow suit. So, let’s look at the biggest trends in content marketing for the coming year.

1. Transparency Is Key

With so much content on social media that brands sponsor, people are skeptical. The best response to this is transparency, and it’s all about honesty. Disclose everything, but ensure that your content’s message and everything else is consistent. If you work with celebrities or influencers, it’s important that your relationship is completely transparent and that you’re open about the fact that they are being paid.

2. The Building Block

You can’t market anything without having content. What would social media be without content? What would a paid advertisement be without any content? It would be a blank space, meaning marketers view content as the building block of everything. It’s point A of every one of your marketing efforts. This means you can use this information to map your content more appropriately.

3. The Lines Are Merging

There is no one method of advertising. The lines merge between email marketing, social media, blogging, etc. Every platform that you use is a content channel. If you look at social media, what is it? It combines earned, paid, and owned content marketing because of many options and opportunities. You can’t focus on just one.

4. Content Is The Fuel

No marketing tactic can stand out or stand up without unique content. That may include blogs, email marketing, social media, articles, infographics, eBooks, videos, podcasts, and landing pages. Every form of advertising needs content to drive conversions. Content is necessary to grab attention, build trust, and grow your brand, which fuels sales and leads. It goes them from entering the funnel to exiting it through conversion. Your content needs to support the customer through every stage of their journey.

5. Live Video

It’s taking over, whether you’re on board or not. So, how often do you post video content? We can tell you that a Buffer survey from 2016 has shown that more than 80% of customers want to see more video content. Over half of them like that to be live. Videos get more engagement; it’s just that simple. Watching a video is easier and quicker than reading blogs and articles. However, if you do offer videos, make sure you provide subtitles. That way, you cater to everyone.

Content is key, but if you want to keep up with the latest trends, follow imillennialtrends.com. If it’s a thing, you can read all about it. You will also find hints and tips on executing the latest trends.

Ricardo L. Dominguez

Tv geek. Professional twitter buff. Incurable zombie aficionado. Bacon fanatic. Internet expert. Alcohol specialist.Fixie owner, father of 3, ukulelist, Mad Men fan and Guest speaker. Working at the fulcrum of simplicity and programing to create great work for living breathing human beings. Concept is the foundation of everything else.